• Caring Hands Adult Day Center of Dundalk, INC
  • 7400 Holabird Ave. Dundalk, MD 21222
  • Phone: 410-285-7060
  • Caring Hands AMDC of Greater Baltimore, INC
  • 1001 West Pratt Street Baltimore, MD 21223
  • Phone: 410-332-8008
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Spotting Signs of Stress Among the Elderly

Stress is a part of life. At manageable levels, stress can be beneficial; however, when it is not addressed or left to fester for a long time, it can cause you to get sick or, if you already have a pre-existing condition, it can get worse. This is so...

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How to Manage Urinary Incontinence

Urinary incontinence refers to the uncontrollable passing of urine. If you suffer from this condition, these lifestyle tips of adult daycare in Baltimore, Maryland, can help you alleviate the symptoms: Do pelvic floor exercises every day While you ma...

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Tips on Improving Hand-Eye Coordination

No matter your age, you can still always choose to improve your hand-eye coordination. As long as your eyesight serves you good, you can then improve both your central and peripheral vision alongside gaining the ability to quickly and accurately reac...

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Basic Steps for Mindfulness Meditation

Mindfulness is a natural human ability to be fully present in the moment and aware of where we are or what we’re doing. However, it’s easier to get to this state for those who practice it daily. As an Adult Daycare in Baltimore, Maryland, strivin...

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Mental and Physical Therapeutic Activities

Aging can be challenging to adjust to, especially as health issues are taking place. These issues can affect both physical and mental functioning. Thus, it is important to engage in mental and physical therapeutic activities. Here at Caring Hands Adu...

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Fulfilling Activities for Retirees

A lot of people look forward to the day when they retire. They invest in insurance and keep their finances in check for them to be prepared when retirement day comes. However, some seniors find out that in the middle of ticking boxes in their list of...

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